Η Spacehero αξιοποιεί χώρους όπως βιοτεχνίες, βιομηχανικά κτίρια, γκαράζ, υπόγεια κ.α., μετατρέποντάς τους σε σύγχρονες αποθηκευτικές μονάδες. Προσφέρουμε ασφαλείς λύσεις αποθήκευσης, ευέλικτες επιλογές ενοικίασης (από ένα μήνα έως και περισσότερο), καθώς και υπηρεσίες παραλαβής και παράδοσης για εύκολη μεταφορά των αντικειμένων των πελατών μας.
Η Spacehero εγγυάται την έγκαιρη καταβολή ενοικίου στους ιδιοκτήτες καθ' όλη την περίοδο συνεργασίας μας, εξασφαλίζοντας σας οικονομική σταθερότητα.
Διαχειριζόμαστε άμεσα όλες τις εργασίες συντήρησης ενός χώρου, αξιοποιώντας τα εξειδικευμένα συνεργεία μας. Φροντίζουμε την περιουσία σας με την προσοχή που της αρμόζει.
Η Spacehero προσφέρει στους πελάτες της ένα πλήρες φωτογραφικό αρχείο, ώστε να βρίσκουν πανεύκολα ό,τι έχουν φυλαγμένο και να μπορούν να δούνε ανά πάσα στιγμή τα αποθηκευμένα τους αντικείμενα.
Πρώην βιοτεχνία στο Κορωπί, Αττικής
6,500 τ.μ.
Μάρτιος 2022
Μέσος όρος πληρότητας 93% το 2024
We require all members to provide identify and address verification before providing access. Additionally, we monitor all locations 24/7 through our smart security camera and access control systems. If members are late on payment or do not follow rules / regulations, we immediately revoke access.
Our storage units range from 2 sqm to 20 sqm. We determine unit mix based on market demand and competitor performance. This means our members generally store boxes, clothes, seasonal items (e.g., outdoor furniture, carpets, sports gear), documents, and small pieces of furniture.
Field operations teams monitor all markets, and select locations have on-site staff for added support. Members benefit from convenient self-check-in access to their units using secure electronic locks.
We prefer having 24/7 access.
We sign 10 year leases and generally secure one or two 5-year extension options. All our leases provide percentage rent to our landlord partners (in lieu of fixed rent) which allows them to participate in the upside of our self storage business.
Our general storage units are made of corrugated sheet metal and metal wiring. The bottom channel is bolted to the floor. No structural work is required. We can be up and running in 2 months depending on existing conditions and the unit mix.
We either cover the buildout capex, or partner up and share it with our landlord partners. In the case of sharing and a percentage rental fee, the landlord partners receive a higher percentage rent until the TI allowance is paid back; thereafter, it reverts to a more equitable split..
We develop custom marketing plans for each new location, which often include: on-site signage, digital marketing (Google ads, Reels, Tiktok), digital directories, SEO, email marketing, partnerships (with moving companies or local businesses), local activations, and more.
We can be up and running in as little as 4 weeks depending on the existing conditions of the property.
We look for large buildings in greater metro areas or established industrial zones, within 60 minutes off peak driving time to downtown areas, with a minimum size of 15,000 sqm and up to 26,000 sqm, featuring at least 2.5-meter ceilings, industrial flooring, and truck access. Preferred building types include ex-industrial properties or modern warehouses.
We're looking for buildings that can either support 3PL compliant activities or activities pertaining to the storage of non dangerous goods. We will work with the landlord and can assist them in checking and modifying a building's permitted use to ensure compliance with Spacehero's requirements.
Spacehero stands out because we spread our revenue across many different customers at each location, which greatly reduces financial risk. Unlike other companies that depend heavily on a few big clients, our largest customers make up less than 1% of our total revenue. This diversification ensures stability and reliability in our service.
Spacehero’s activities are light and do not involve dangerous goods, which means less wear and tear on the property. We also don’t make major changes to the space, helping to keep the property in good condition.